About Me

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to my personal webpage, blog, or whatever you’d like to call it—a space where I gather all the things I’ve found on the internet that I consider important. I use this as a reference to revisit and read through later, line by line, so I don’t forget. Some of the content may not be mine; it might be copied and pasted from other websites, Facebook, or other social media platforms. However, I always make sure to credit the original source.

This page also provides some personal information, similar to my profile on QRZ.com. My name is Sapuan, and I’m from Malacca, Malaysia. I’m also known as Romzi, my radio nickname. It’s a pleasure to meet you!

I have a keen interest in amateur radio (callsign: 9W2FRP), the Linux operating system (both server and desktop), and anything related to these topics. Most of my knowledge has been self-taught through experiments and hands-on learning.

I spent 14 years of my youth serving in the military. Initially, I was part of the army infantry (Ranger) and later served in supporting units. After my time in the army, I worked with the National Service Department. Currently, I am self-employed, running a small home-based business that focuses on Linux servers, simple website design, and other related services.

Many friends ask me why I go by the nickname “Romzi” instead of my given name, Sapuan. The reason is that “Romzi” was the name my late mother wanted to give me at birth. Unfortunately, my late father had already registered the name “Sapuan.” While I have no issues with my real name, using “Romzi” is my way of honoring my late mother and keeping her memory alive.

My Tower
My 20 meters height tower with HF, UHF and VHF antenna

My other hobby, parabolic dish and offset dish

Me & Family, 3 son + 4 daughter. One of my son (the most right) is autism / autisme.
Jack Sparrow... clone...
Me & my radio

My aprs server using Ubuntu Linux Server still up and running 24/7

My young days, during my service with the Army.

Army unit that I served… for 14 years. 1989 – 2003

Royal Military College (Cadet Division)
1989 – 1990
Kuala Lumpur

5th Infantry Battalion Royal Ranger Regiment
1990 – 1992
Bau, Sarawak

3rd Infantry Brigade
1992 – 1994
Kuching, Sarawak

5th Infantry Battalion Royal Ranger Regiment
1995 – 1996
Kota Bharu, Kelantan

504th Territorial Army Regiment
1996 – 1997
Bukit Keteri, Perlis

Armour Corp Training Centre
(Infantry Mechanize Wing)
1998 – 2003
Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan

Special Mission. Attached to 2nd Battalion Royal Malay Regiment for 8 months for Stabilization Force under NATO at Bosnia Herzegovina. April – December 1997

Glamoc, Bosnia Herzegovina

Video during army cadet training.

My army intake website. Maintain by me

Rangers’ Officer Veteran Website

Thanks for visiting my page

de 9W2FRP


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