[Tutorial] Installing aprsc

Installing aprsc aprsc is “officially” “supported” on the following platforms: Debian stable (8.0, “jessie”): i386, x86_64 Debian oldstable (7.0, “wheezy”): i386, x86_64, armhf Raspberry Pi (armv6l) Ubuntu LTS (14.04, 16.04): i386 and x86_64 CentOS 6: i386 and x86_64 CentOS 7: x86_64 The i386 builds actually require an i686 (Pentium 2…

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Phonetic Alphabets

Phonetic Alphabets Source: https://hamradioschool.com/phonetic-alphabets/ For clear communications under all conditions, we use a phonetic alphabet for spelling out critical information. Instead of “A B C”, we say “Alpha Bravo Charlie.” Letters such as D, T and V can sound alike during noisy conditions, whereas Delta, Tango and Victor are more…

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Maklumat Umum Radio Amatur

Nota ini diambil dari blog (link dibawah), di copy paste untuk tujuan ilmu dan pembelajaran. Sedikit pindaan dibuat untuk memperkemas struktur ayat dan pembetulan kepada ejaan yang salah. Juga telah dipublish di blog MARL. Sumber: https://zulnaim.blogspot.com/2013/06/asas-radio-amatur.html # Pengenalan kepada Radio Amatur…semua orang boleh menceburinya kecuali orang yang tidak siuman… Apa…

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