[Tutorial] Set Up EchoLink Proxy in Ubuntu 16.04

Running an Echolink proxy in Ubuntu 16.04 is relatively easy. This tutorial assumes that you’re planning on setting this up via the command line. Prerequisites: A Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If you don’t have one installed already, you can do so using apt. $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jre-headless Get started:…

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KL To Paris Via Land: The Journey Of A Lifetime

KL To Paris Via Land: The Journey Of A Lifetime Source; http://www.astroulagam.com.my/lifestyle/article/88322/kl-to-paris-via-land-the-journey-of-a-lifetime Have you ever dreamed of visiting the city of love, but taking a 17-hour flight to Paris just don’t seem enough for an adventure-junkie like you? Traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Europe is even possible via land. Yes,…

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Siapakah yang berkuasa mengisytiharkan perang?

Siapakah yang berkuasa mengisytiharkan perang? Copy paste from https://www.facebook.com/MalaysiaMilitaryPower/posts/2285926614763675:0?__tn__=K-R Untuk pengetahuan semua rakyat Malaysia, Negara kita belum pernah mengisytiharkan perang keatas mana2 Negara di muka bumi ini. Tetapi Negara kita berberapa kali mengisytiharkan DARURAT. Bagi memperbetulkan persepsi yang dipermainkan oleh orang yang bukan sahaja tiada kredibility kerana mabuk, dan juga…

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[Tutorial] Installing aprsc

Installing aprsc aprsc is “officially” “supported” on the following platforms: Debian stable (8.0, “jessie”): i386, x86_64 Debian oldstable (7.0, “wheezy”): i386, x86_64, armhf Raspberry Pi (armv6l) Ubuntu LTS (14.04, 16.04): i386 and x86_64 CentOS 6: i386 and x86_64 CentOS 7: x86_64 The i386 builds actually require an i686 (Pentium 2…

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Phonetic Alphabets

Phonetic Alphabets Source: https://hamradioschool.com/phonetic-alphabets/ For clear communications under all conditions, we use a phonetic alphabet for spelling out critical information. Instead of “A B C”, we say “Alpha Bravo Charlie.” Letters such as D, T and V can sound alike during noisy conditions, whereas Delta, Tango and Victor are more…

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[Tutorial] Webmin

Installing on Debian If you are using the DEB version of webmin, first download the file from the downloads page , or run the command : wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.900_all.deb then run the command : dpkg –install webmin_1.900_all.deb The install will be done automatically to /usr/share/webmin, the administration username set to root…

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