Satelit Mengudara, Indonesia Berjaya

Sumber: Kompas Oleh ALBERTUS KRISNA 7 Mei 2019 06:00 WIB   Sejak satelit Lapan A2 diluncurkan pada 2015, tonggak sejarah Indonesia dalam kemandirian teknologi antariksa dimulai. Ke depan, teknologi satelit semakin berperan penting untuk berbagai bidang, seperti pertanian, perikanan, pertahanan, dan pencarian korban bencana. Satelit Lapan A2/Orari merupakan salah satu…

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Adnan Manderes – Sejarah yang tak patut dilupakan

Sumber: Disini Sedikit sejarah yang tak patut kita lupakan. Baca Kisah Ajaib Seorang Yg Kematiannya Ditangguhkan ALLAH Akhirnya Dikurniakan Mati Syahid. Adnan Manderes – Bekas Perdana Menteri Turki Yang Diselamatkan Dari Nahas Kapal Terbang, Berjanji Mengembalikan Islam Di Turki, Tetapi Mati Di Tali Gantung. Tahukah Anda, Adnan Menderes adalah PM…

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[Tutorial] Automatically enable HTTPS on your website with EFF’s Certbot

Source: Here Note: Certbot is meant to be run on the server where your website is hosted. If you don’t have administrative shell access to your webserver or you’re not familiar with command line server administration, you should check if your hosting provider has built-in Let’s Encrypt support by contacting them…

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Direct Hit After a Long Wait: Solar Storm Forecast 05-09-2019

TamithaSkov Published on May 9, 2019 This forecast generously sponsored by: 3ric Johanson: Our Sun kicks things into high gear with two monster bright regions rotate into Earth view. They have been rapid firing solar storms and solar flares over the past week and finally one has been launched…

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[Tutorial] How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 16.04

Source: Here By Brennen Bearnes Introduction The Apache web server is the most popular way of serving web content on the internet. It accounts for more than half of all active websites on the internet and is extremely powerful and flexible. Apache breaks its functionality and components into individual units…

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