The Blaming Game, despite good intention

CQ Merdeka 2019.

As per last year, CQ Merdeka or Independence Day CQ has been organized by MARTS with special callsign. Last year, it was done for period of the whole month of august and this year, only for 3 days from 30 august to 1 sept. I spoke to organizer about 1 week earlier before I fly to Bali for Hamfest, and with whatsapp text and asked whether we can use our club callsign to do CQ. The answer is yes, no problem as it is for the sake of hobby and fun co existing with special callsign which is taken by certain club. With intention to flourish the warm of Independence month, I’m happy to activate the club callsign on the air, to upload the logging file at and to get as many confirmation as possible and to expose State of Melaka to the world of Ham.

Finally the day has come. At the morning 30th August, I started to CQ, only about less than one hour and manage to log about 35 stations, all from YB land, before the propagation start to worsen. Then the excitement begin when I started to CQ about 6 pm something and so many station begin to pile up. I’m so busy at that time to receive and to log the callsign, again majority came from YB land.

Suddenly I received a call, the call from the person that I recognized. I got no option except to ignore that call since at that time extremely busy. I’ll call back when I’m ready. But I’ve felt something weird and something silly going on. Finally I decided to stop the CQ, even I’m anxiously to proceed it since so many station waiting for my respond at that time.

True enough, I read a few messages at Telegram Group, and this message appear…

Wow… takutnya.. 😀 😆  Ini perintah mahkamah ke apa… atau dari penguatkuasa MCMC ???

I just replied it with screen capture as first picture above… and immediately I called again organizer and I record it.

I’m not interested to write the explanation as the picture is self explainatory. Same goes to the audio recording. No more explanation as I know to whom that I’m dealing with, as we can evaluate other person through their behavior such as talking, their practices and implementation. This is the challenge actually despite for fun and hobby, end up with frustration…. Sorry seem to be the hardest word… far away to support with the CQ and learn about it and easily to blame….


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