Wikipedia Donation

Suddenly I received email from wikipedia, ask for donation…  it seem that they keep the record that I’ve donated before, only RM 10 , 2 years ago. The email mentioned as below:

Two years ago, you donated 10 RM to keep Wikipedia online for hundreds of millions of readers. I’m surprised by and deeply grateful for your continued support. You are part of the 1% of readers who donated to support Wikipedia. We need your help again this year.

I ask you, humbly: please renew your donation today.

Perhaps you’re thinking: Wikipedia will be fine if I don’t give today. Someone else always gives. It’s a little awkward to say this, but consider that fewer than 1% of readers donate to Wikipedia. It’s your generosity that keeps us going. The knowledge that what we’re doing matters, and it matters to people like you. It ensures Wikipedia is here for you when you need us.

As I look around the internet today, I think back to when I first discovered Wikipedia. The internet was still a pretty free-wheeling place, and Wikipedia was born out of that spirit of creativity and possibility. The rest of the web has changed a lot – we all use the same few big sites, we do less creating and more consuming. But Wikipedia is still independent, still written by ordinary people, still has that can-do spirit. Let’s not change that. Please give today.

Its been many years since I’m using the internet, very frequently I’m referring to wikipedia to anything which I’m in doubt, wikipedia is very useful and I’m very grateful with it. That is why I’m willing to be one of fewer 1% wikipedia readers that has donated to this organization. Further more, you’ll not going to be poor by donating a little of your pocket money, the only thing is your concern….

Good luck and long live to wikipedia and thank you to Katherine Maher, Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation. I never knew her before, but anyway your contribution to the the world are highly appreciated. I’ve done my little contribution, and you? when?

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